The Medieval Book Club
The Medieval Book Club
Tuesdays 1530 – 1630, Weeks 1-8 via Microsoft Teams
We are a friendly and informal reading group. Each term we explore a new topic through primary texts. Undergraduates and graduates are extremely welcome, from any faculty.
Trinity 2020 Dress
1 – Dressed for Battle: The Fashion of the Nibelungenlied
2 – Dressing an Allegory – Boethius, Alan of Lille
3 – Fashion and the Law- Sumptuary Legislation
4 – Dressing the Contract – Boccaccio, Bartolus of Sassoferrato
5 – Other People’s Clothes: Dress and Otherness
6 – Ornaments and Piety: The Symbolism of Religious Habits
7 – Dressing Chaucer – The Canterbury Tales, General Prologue
8 – Second Hand Clothes – clothes in manuscripts and archaeology T.B.C.
If you want to join us, or would like more information, please contact This year we need to know in advance who will be attending the sessions, and so we can add people to the MBC Teams account, so it is essential that you get in contact.
10 November 2020, 15:30
Online: Microsoft Teams
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?:
Booking email:
Members of the University only
Sadie Slater