Qantitative Methods Surgery Hilary Term Week 8
These surgeries are a technical workshop meant to accompany the students in the quantitative aspect of their research. There are no prerequisites: all ESH graduate students are welcome (Mphil, MSC, DPhil). This is not a mandatory workshop, and it will not marked. The goal is to be there to answer questions that students may have regarding statistics, software, data colelction, data analysis, or research design.
These questions can be addressed to the instructor or to any other person in the room. The students just need to drop in with their laptop, do their own research, and ask questions when needed. Students can also use this time as a commitment to work on their own research.
Among others, this course can be helpful with:
* Technical/programming questions about: Stata, R, Python, GIS (ArcGis, QGis, RGdal, etc.), arcPy, LaTeX, OCR.
* Questions about research design:
o Statistic and interpretation of results
o Identification strategies
o Data collection and data merging
o Archival sampling
7 March 2019, 16:30
History Faculty, George Street OX1 2RL
Venue Details:
Merze Tate Room
Valeria Rueda (University of Oxford)
Part of:
Economic and Social History Quantitative Method Surgeries
Booking required?:
Not required
Members of the University only
Laura Spence