'Vascular Trials, Big Data, Stroke and Dementia' and 'Community Leg Ulcer Clinics and Telemedicine'
‘Vascular Trials, Big Data, Stroke and Dementia’ by Professor Alison Halliday (Professor of Vascular Surgery at the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences whose main interest is in Carotid Surgery and Stroke Prevention) and ‘Community Leg Ulcer Clinics and Telemedicine’ by Professor Linda Hands (Associate Professor of Surgery at the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences and Director of the Oxford Telemedicine Institute.

All members of the University and NHS clinical staff are welcome.
Date: 15 January 2016, 8:00
Venue: John Radcliffe Academic, Headington OX3 9DU
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre 1
Speakers: Professor Alison Halliday (University of Oxford), Professor Linda Hands (University of Oxford)
Organising department: Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences
Organiser: Tarryn Ching (University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences)
Organiser contact email address: tarryn.ching@nds.ox.ac.uk
Part of: Surgical Grand Rounds
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Louise King