If you build it, will they come?
Carlton Reid, writer, journalist, executive editor of cycling trade magazine BikeBiz.com and author of Roads Were Not Built for Cars, will be the special guest of Cyclox, the Oxford cycling campaign, at St Michael at the North Gate in Oxford on Tuesday 17 November at 7.30pm.

Taking as his title “If you build it, will they come?”, Carlton will be discussing the history and future of cycle infrastructure, considering which bits work, which bits don’t and why the UK is still 40 years behind the Dutch when it comes to taking cycling seriously.

Following the success of Roads Were Not Built for Cars, which explained how cyclists were the first group to campaign for decent roads and became the pioneers of motoring, Carlton is currently working on his next book, Bike Boom, which will explore the unexpected resurgence of cycling in the 1970s and its continuing growth through to the present day, when riding a bike seems to be as popular as ever.

With the bicycle central to the culture of Oxford and cycling recognised as an essential part of the city’s future, Carlton’s presentation will provide plenty of food for thought for anyone with an interest in how riding a bike has shaped the city and how cycling might shape its future.

Members of the public will be welcome to attend.
Date: 17 November 2015, 19:30
Venue: St Michael at the North Gate, Cornmarket Street, Oxford OX1 3EY
Speaker: Carlton Reid (author of Roads Were Not Built for Cars)
Part of: ONE
Booking required?: Not required
Booking url: http://www.cyclox.org/
Booking email: jonathan@quarrycomms.co.uk
Audience: Public
Editor: Emma Weisbord