Name: Emmanouil Fokas
University of Oxford

Events this person is speaking at:

Monday 7 March 2016

PD-L1 blockade improves response of pancreatic adenocarcinoma to radiotherapy
Date: 7 March 2016, 14:00 - 15:00
Speaker : Emmanouil Fokas (University of Oxford)
Venue: Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, South Parks Road OX1 3RE
Venue Details: EPA Seminar Room
Organisers: Jo Peel (University of Oxford, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology), Omer Dushek (University of Oxford, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Wolfson College), Joanne Collett (University of Oxford, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology), Anton van der Merwe (Sir William Dunn School of Pathology)
Host: Omer Dushek (University of Oxford, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Wolfson College)

Events this person is hosting:

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Basic Mechanisms of Fibrosis and Epigenetic Control
Date: 1 September 2015, 11:00 - 12:00
Speaker : Professor Derek Mann (Newcastle University Medical School)
Venue: Old Road Campus Research Building, Headington OX3 7DQ
Venue Details: 71A, B and C
Organiser: Linda Nemerofksy-Birks (University of Oxford)
Host: Emmanouil Fokas (University of Oxford)

Monday 16 November 2015

Maximising anti-tumour immune activation with oncology virotherapy
Date: 16 November 2015, 11:00 - 12:00
Speaker : Professor Alan Melcher (University of Leeds)
Venue: Old Road Campus Research Building, Headington OX3 7DQ
Venue Details: 71A, B and C
Organiser: Linda Nemerofksy-Birks (University of Oxford)
Host: Emmanouil Fokas (University of Oxford)

Monday 30 November 2015

Liver Fibrosis: making sense of inflammation, repair and resolution
Date: 30 November 2015, 11:00 - 12:00
Speaker : Professor John Iredale (Queen's Medical Research Institute)
Venue: Old Road Campus Research Building, Headington OX3 7DQ
Venue Details: 71A, B and C
Organiser: Eric O'Neill (University of Oxford)
Host: Emmanouil Fokas (University of Oxford)