Name: Jelena Bezbradica Mirkovic

Events this person is speaking at:

Friday 9 June 2017

Coincidence detection tailors macrophage responses to inflammatory signals
Date: 9 June 2017, 9:15 - 10:15
Speaker : Jelena Bezbradica Mirkovic (KTRR SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW)
Venue: MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Headington OX3 9DS
Venue Details: WIMM Seminar room
Organiser: Anne Farmer (MRC Human Immunology Unit)
Hosts: TBA

Thursday 11 October 2018

Coincidence detection tailors macrophage responses to inflammatory signals
Date: 11 October 2018, 11:00 - 12:00
Speaker : Jelena Bezbradica Mirkovic (KTRR SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW)
Venue: NDM Building, Headington OX3 7FZ
Venue Details: Basement seminar room, TDI
Organiser: Christina Woodward (Oxford Ludwig Institute, Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford)
Hosts: Dr Mads Gyrd Hansen (Ludwig Cancer Research), Prof Xin Lu (Ludwig Cancer Research, Oxford Branch)

Events this person is hosting:

Monday 5 June 2017

Inflammation control by inflammasomes
Date: 5 June 2017, 12:00 - 13:00
Speaker : Associate Professor Kate Schroder (Head, Inflammasome Lab, Institute for Molecular Bioscience The University of Queensland Brisbane, Australia)
Venue: Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Headington OX3 7FY
Venue Details: Bernard Sunley Lecture Theatre
Organiser: Gintare Kolesnikovaite (Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology)
Host: Jelena Bezbradica Mirkovic (KTRR SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW)

Friday 1 December 2017

Cellular Ecology
Date: 1 December 2017, 12:00 - 13:00
Speaker : Prof Ruslan Medzhitov (Howard Hughes Medical Institute, MD, USA)
Venue: Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Headington OX3 7FY
Venue Details: Bernard Sunley Lecture Theatre
Organisers: Laura Sánchez Lazo (Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology), Professor Irina Udalova (Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology), Jo Silva (NDORMS), Wulf Forrester-Barker (University of Oxford, Nuffield Dept of Orthopaedics Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences)
Host: Jelena Bezbradica Mirkovic (KTRR SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW)

Thursday 17 May 2018

'Macrophage Membrane Domains that Coordinate Toll-like Receptor Signaling'
Date: 17 May 2018, 11:00 - 12:00
Speaker : Prof Jennifer Stow (University of Queensland)
Venue: Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Headington OX3 7FY
Venue Details: Bernard Sunley Lecture Theatre
Organiser: Jelena Bezbradica Mirkovic (KTRR SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW)
Host: Jelena Bezbradica Mirkovic (KTRR SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW)

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Understanding the apoptotic and non-apoptotic functions of cell death signalling pathways in anti-microbial immune defense
Date: 27 February 2019, 14:00 - 15:00
Speaker : Prof Igor Brodsky (University of Pennsylvania)
Venue: Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Headington OX3 7FY
Venue Details: Bernard Sunley Theatre
Organiser: Laura Sánchez Lazo (Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology)
Host: Jelena Bezbradica Mirkovic (KTRR SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW)

Friday 6 September 2019

Cell Death Drives Sterile Inflammation: Genetic evidence for pathway crosstalk
Date: 6 September 2019, 15:00 - 16:00
Speaker : Dr Vishva Dixit (Vice President –Research, Genentech)
Venue: Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Headington OX3 7FY
Venue Details: KIR Lecture Theatre
Organiser: Jo Silva (NDORMS)
Host: Jelena Bezbradica Mirkovic (KTRR SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW)

Monday 13 January 2025

How cells defend their cytosol against bacteria: LPS ubiquitylation and other tricks
Date: 13 January 2025, 12:00 - 13:00
Speaker : Dr Felix Randow (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK)
Venue: Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Headington OX3 7FY
Venue Details: Kennedy Lecture Theatre
Organisers: Katie Roberts (University of Oxford), Jo Silva (NDORMS)
Host: Jelena Bezbradica Mirkovic (KTRR SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW)

Events this person is organising:

Thursday 17 May 2018

'Macrophage Membrane Domains that Coordinate Toll-like Receptor Signaling'
Date: 17 May 2018, 11:00 - 12:00
Speaker : Prof Jennifer Stow (University of Queensland)
Venue: Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Headington OX3 7FY
Venue Details: Bernard Sunley Lecture Theatre
Organiser: Jelena Bezbradica Mirkovic (KTRR SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW)
Host: Jelena Bezbradica Mirkovic (KTRR SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW)

Monday 15 February 2021

Instructing the limb for life-long health
Date: 15 February 2021, 12:00 - 13:00
Speaker : Dr Angus Wann (Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology)
Venue: Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Headington OX3 7FY
Venue Details: This seminar will be held using Zoom. Please register here:
Organisers: Jennifer Pope (Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology), Jelena Bezbradica Mirkovic (KTRR SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW), Professor Irina Udalova (Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology)
Hosts: TBA

Monday 24 January 2022

Seminar by Prof Joerg Enderlein 'Metal and Graphene Induced Energy Transfer Imaging for 3D Super-Resolution Microscopy'
Date: 24 January 2022, 12:00 - 13:30
Speaker : Prof Joerg Enderlein (Gottingen University)
Venue Details: This seminar is open only to members of Oxford University, register using a valid Oxford University email address
Organisers: Ellen Mobbs (Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology), Jelena Bezbradica Mirkovic (KTRR SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW), Professor Irina Udalova (Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology)
Host: Dr Marco Fritzsche (University of Oxford)