Oxford Centre for Life-Writing

The Oxford Centre for Life-Writing promotes a lively cross-disciplinary dialogue on all aspects of life-writing through a busy programme of events including lectures, performances, panel discussions, conferences, seminars, and workshops, most of which are free and open to all.

To see what’s coming up browse the events listings on our website. For regular notifications about our events, sign-up to our newsletter here: wolfson.us15.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=951054be6a685ee0a52ebe2f7&id=c9ab795ff6.

Many of our events are recorded – click through to listings under Past Events to watch or listen to these recordings. Recordings of events that have taken place since 2020 are also available on our YouTube channel. Additional recordings from the years before 2020 can be found in the Wolfson College recordings archive, and listed on Oxford University’s podcasts page. Visit our website to find out more.

Tuesday 18 February 2025

This series features in the following public collections: